CBD For Lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the hyperactive immune system attacks the healthy tissues in your body. Inflammation, swelling, and damage to the joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, and skin are some of the common symptoms of lupus. Some of the early lupus symptoms are chest pain, fever, headaches, swelling, joint pain, skin lesions, and exhaustion. A butterfly-shaped rash that spreads across the cheeks is the most distinctive symptom, but it is not found in all patients.

Most people with lupus experience symptom flare-ups, which can get worse if they don’t find a treatment that works. Lupus can result in neurological problems, kidney damage, and an increased risk of lung, heart, and blood vessel problems over time. Lupus is thought to be triggered by a mix of environmental variables and genetic predisposition, according to doctors. Antibiotics, blood pressure meds, and anti-seizure medications, as well as viruses and even sunshine, can all cause the condition to manifest.

CBD For Lupus

CBD, a cannabinoid compound found in the hemp and marijuana plants, possesses a wide range of therapeutic properties that can be helpful in the treatment of several health disorders. If recent studies are to be believed, this cannabinoid could also be effective in lupus treatment.

To begin with, the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are well-known. Studies have shown that CBD helps in modulating the immune system and reduce inflammation. CBD could potentially provide some help because inflammation is a fundamental component of most autoimmune disorders. While there isn’t much evidence that CBD can aid with lupus, it has been shown to benefit with other autoimmune conditions including multiple sclerosis (MS).

CBD can also help with pain, which is one of the most common lupus symptoms. A 2020 study looked into the impact of CBD-rich hemp extract on chronic pain patients. The eight-week study was completed by 97 subjects. By the end of the study, around 53% of the participants had reduced or ceased using opioids. Furthermore, 94% of participants said their quality of life had improved. There was also a strong link between CBD consumption and improved sleep quality.

Mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, are common among people suffering from lupus. According to a recent study, around 65% experience anxiety and depression. CBD has been demonstrated to alleviate the symptoms of a variety of anxiety conditions. Numerous studies have shown that CBD could help in managing a wide range of anxiety disorders, including PTSD, social anxiety disorder, panic attacks, etc.