Disposable CBD Vape Pen

If you are a CBD user who simply hates the idea of having to wait an hour or two to feel the effects of cannabidiol, welcome to the world of CBD vaping. Heat the CBD vape product to the right temperature and inhale the vapors. You are good to go.

As the intake method involves heating the vape product, vape oil, CBD concentrate, or CBD flower, specialized pieces of equipment are required for the process. A vape pen is one of the popular vaping equipment.

Disposable Vape Pens

In terms of convenience and simplicity, vape pens seem to be the ideal choice because they come pre-loaded with CBD concentrate oil and their battery is pre-charged. Its major components include the heating mechanism, battery, and chamber filled with CBD vape oil. Once the chamber is empty, you can simply throw the vape pen away.

Vape equipment of disposable nature is not the exclusive choice in the vape product category. Let us take a look at the other options.

Battery And Cartridge Vape Pens

Battery/cartridge setup is more popular among CBD vape equipment primarily because of its reusability. The vape cartridge is screwed onto the single or variable voltage pen battery, which is rechargeable.  However, the method comes with a downside. The vape cartridges can leak when left unattended.

Handheld Vaporizers

A handheld vaporizer can be used for vaping CBD flower or CBD concentrate depending on your preferences. A conduction or convection oven is used as a heating mechanism in a handheld vaporizer. The high versatility that enables it to be used for CBD, as well as THC flower or concentrate, makes up for the relative difficulty to navigate it when compared with disposable vape cartridge or pen.

How To Find The Right Disposable CBD Vape Pen?

You have a plethora of options you can choose from in the CBD vape pen category and doing your research is important. The simpler the vape pen and its constituents, the better it is. Avoid vape liquids that contain thinning agents, fillers, or carrier oils like vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, MCT oil, etc.

There have been reports that fraudster CBD brands use harmful ingredients like vitamin E acetate in their vape pens and avoid disclosing it on their label. Watch out for the traces of vitamin E acetate in your vape pen.

Vaping grew so popular among CBD users because of the fast-acting relief it offers. However, there is no guarantee that all manufacturers offer high-quality CBD vape pens, which is why we recommend you exert caution in the selection of CBD vape pens.