How To Dab CBD

CBD is one of the most trending substances around the world now due to a number of reasons. Due to its legal status and also due to the health benefits provided by it, the number of people consuming CBD is increasing every day. CBD can be consumed in different ways; infusing CBD orally, topical application, etc are some of the most common practices seen among people. Dabbing has also been a popular method to consume cannabis and is becoming common in the CBD market.

How to Dab CBD?

Basically, dabbing is the process of inhaling a solid form of CBD by converting it into vapors. Dabbing can be done by two methods such as by using a dab pen and using a dab rig. A dab pen is an instrument that looks similar to that of a vape pen. The main difference between the two methods is dab pen will not have a space to fill liquid CBD but a coil that can heat and provide vapor from a solid form of CBD. The process of using a dab rig is entirely different from that of a dab pen. It uses a blower to heat up the CBD wax and enable the user to vape in the CBD through the dab tool attached with such a device.

What is CBD Dab?

A CBD dab is a product that is used for vaping through a dab pen or dab rig. The best CBD product which is used for dabbing is the isolated CBD crystal because it is the purest form of CBD and it is tasteless and odorless like other CBD products. Not only CBD crystals, but there are also several other products that are exclusively used for dabbing like budder, crumble, and honeycomb. Even though all these products are used for the same purpose, there is a difference in their appearance depending on the moisture content and also on the concertation of CBD.

Benefit of Dabbing

CBD has several health benefits like alleviating pain, preventing cancer, etc. The most unique benefit of dabbing CBD is that it provides immediate relief from pain or any such condition which requires immediate attention. Since dabbing uses the purest form of CBD, it only requires a smaller quantity of the same to attain the required dosage. Dabbing is also considered the fastest bioavailable method for infusing CBD.

Since CBD dabs are not available in small capsules of specific quantity and dosage, the user has to find the perfect dosage for using the same. The dab products are highly concentrated and so it would require only a pinch of the same to attain the required effects.